Thursday, February 27, 2014


  This blog is about geeky stuff-- board games and video games-- that covers what some games do right (or wrong) without always worrying about trying to "review" the product as a whole and without necessarily falling into a full-on critique or deconstruction of games.  The blog especially aims to hit some points about games that, for whatever reasons, reviewers of most sites don't mention in their rush to get to the all-powerful numerical score.  Occasionally, I may use this space to rebut a specific review or recurring point among reviewers that annoys me.  I plan on having a TON of gameplay spoilers in the discussions, so those sensitive to such things should just move on, but I'll try to mark off if I'm going to go into huge, mega-spoilers about the plot of a particular game.  Ideally, this blog will end up as a collection of tons of just great video game ideas, usually from current-at-the time games, but also from historical perspectives of single older games or across a genre/system.

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