Monday, March 24, 2014

GAME IDEAS-- LIST: New Game+ Modes

  Some game ideas are good in general, and have been well-executed in enough different ways that I both want to break down the specific iterations of the idea and to have all the different versions in one list.  I was originally going to write a quick entry on Dark Souls 2's new game mode, and mention the last several games I played as well, but it got me on a roll once I realized that there's a LOT of different ways various games and series have pursued a New Game+ mode.  This entry will be the rough list, in ascending order of coolness:


Similar, but with superficial change (Mario Galaxy's Luigi mode)

Similar, but harder/modified (Dark Souls series- but see comments on DS 2)

Same 'ol, but characters is stronger (Most of the Atelier Series, Chrono Trigger)
 (often done to allow for new endings or plot choices)

Same 'ol, but modifed by user (Tales of... series/Grade system)

Same 'ol, to play with new options and minor plot changes/playstyles (Infamous series, Ar Tonelico series)

Similar, but with new perspective (Tales of Xillia, Atelier Escha and Logy, Nier)

Similar, but with new mechanics or potentially major gameplay changes (Lightning Returns, Quest for Glory series)

Entirely new game story (Soul Nomad, Mana Khemia 2)

Eventually I'll end up listing several iconic examples of each of the categories, probably as I work my way through entries on each category.

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